Kaustubh R.S. Priolkar
Senior Professor
Director, IQAC
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Pinky Pawaskar
Assistant Professor
Social Media Champion
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DIQA/ IQAC Office Phone : +91-8669609095
Information gathering, monitoring and dissemination
- Development of tools and techniques for information gathering
- Online student feedback. This is then distributed to the concerned teachers at the Department Council level (since 2013-14)
- Online collection of information on academic output from every faculty member – essentially all items of reported for the Annual Self Appraisal as per UGC guidelines (since 2013-14)
- Development of formats for collection of departmental information (since 2015-16), revising the formats based on additional information requirements (2016-17 and 2017-18)
- Advantages: Information collected ONLY ONCE for all requirements
- Redesigning of the Departmental and Faculty pages on website with links to the above mentioned databases
- Advantages: The faculty don't have to update their pages. This gets automatically updated with the information provided by him/her
- Digitization of old Annual Reports and making them available on the University’s website
- Compilation of legacy metadata along with full-text of publications for the repository (work done from Nov 2013 – June 2016 and forms part of University Publications repository
- Information monitoring
- Compilation of reports on the data gathered, graphics and presentation to the management for quality assessment at AQAR meetings (since 2015-16)
- Shared a brief on “Tracking trends and practices in scholarly communications from Goa University” as quality sensitization activity with the faculty (2016-17)
- Information dissemination (most tasks since 2013-14)
- Compilation of Departmental Annual Reports
- AQAR reports
- Providing information as available against queries under RTI Act
- Building of quality databases on academic information and making them available via University’s website routinely (since 2014-15) on
- Publications (in the form of University full-text repository), including PhD theses (theses input by library) (dissemination at Departmental, faculty level)
- Presentations of research results at various conferences/seminars, etc. (dissemination at faculty level)
- Externally funded projects (dissemination at Departmental, faculty level)
- PhD students (dissemination at University, Departmental, faculty level)
- Events organized during the year (dissemination at Departmental level)
- List of the courses taught and time-tables of various programmes/ semester to facilitate the functioning of CBCS system
- Advantages: Single point collection of information and generation of spin-off products, Up-to date information on the website
Participation in various ranking programmes, providing information to various surveys
- Ranking Surveys (since 2014-15)
- Times Higher Education
- QS Raking
- India Today
- The Week
- BRICS University Rankings
- Other Surveys (since 2016-17)
- Academia-Industry survey
- Association of Indian Universities
- Performance Appraisal & Retention of Faculty Members in Academic Institution in India: An Analytical Study
- National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People (NCPEDP)
- Survey on Framework of University-Industry Linkages in Research (PHD survey)
- National Survey on Resources Devoted to Scientific and Technological (S&T) Activities 2015-16 (SnT Survey)
- University Grants Commission, (Pay Review Committee, 2016)
Generating awareness on quality consciousness within University
- Collaboration with CII Institute of Quality, Bangalore and organization of workshops based on the Total Quality Management (TQM). The experts from CII IQ conducted workshops for the teachers as well as non-teaching staff on various aspects of TQM and guided on how to conduct various academic and administrative activities in a quality-conscious manner. The themes were:
- Building competitiveness through TQM approach (11-12- Mar 2011)
- Quality Improvement projects (7-8 Jun 2011)
- Enhancing process effectiveness (29-30 Sep 2011)
- Staff empowerment programme for non-teaching staff (15-16 Dec 2011 (student Feedback & its analysis & session for NT/ Officers)
- Internal seminars on the issues related to teaching learning processes (Prof. Ramrao Wagh)
- Promotion of academic management software:
- Relative grading systems, Moodle (16 Apr 2013) (20 participants)
- Moodle training workshop (to upload and activate at least 2 courses) (17 Dec 2013) (28 participants)
- Interaction with the non-faculty members (Asst. Registrar level) of the University organized by HRDC on quality issues
- Issues and problems in building databases (Dr. M.P. Tapaswi) (23 Mar 2015)
- Hands on spreadsheet (Prof. P. Mukhopadhyay) (20 Feb 2017)
- Organizing information for efficiency: Experiences at Goa University (Dr. M.P. Tapaswi) (21 Feb 2017)
- The Right to Information Act, 2005: Some case studies (Dr. M.P. Tapaswi) (22 Feb 2017)
- IQAC is actively involved in assisting update of Statutes and Ordinances in Goa University as an ongoing process (since 2015-16)
- Organisation of a National Workshop on Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (in collaboration with AISHE cell; CDC; DDL of Goa University and DHE, Govt. of Goa) 9-10 March 2018
- Three Workshops for the benefit of the IQAC coordinators of affiliated colleges of the University:
- Introductory aspects of TQM approach
- Quality in education (1 Oct 2011)
- Concept of benchmarking in higher education (22-23 Mar 2013) (29 participants)
- A session on ‘sharing of best practices’ for the participant colleges
- IPR Workshop on Intellectual Property and Innovation Management in Knowledge Economy (NRDC collaboration) (13 Dec 2013) (70 participants: 45 researchers and faculty from campus departments, others from recognized institutions and affiliated colleges). Resource persons included Shri Avinash Kumar, Additional Director (IPR), DRDO; Shri B K Sahu, Scientific Officer (IPR), NRDC; Dr W. M. Dhumane, Former Joint Controller of Patent & design, IPO; Dr S K Jha, Associate Professor, SJMSOM, IIT Mumbai; Shri Arvind Chopra, Head (IPR), EBTC, New Delhi; Dr. Mohan Dewan, Managing Director, M/s R K Dewan & Co., Pune. The workshop was coordinated by Mr M Chakraborty, Mr Ramrao Wagh, Dr K Priolkar and Dr V S Nadkarni.
- Themes:
- Basics of IPR
- Patenting in India & abroad
- Prior art searching and other important aspects related to Innovation Management and Knowledge Economy
- Ramrao Wagh, Member IQAC, GU presented a paper on “Quality measures initiated in Goa University” at the National Summit on Quality in Education, Christ University, Bangalore. 16-17 Sep 2014
- Awareness Workshop on Assessment and Accreditation: Quality in Higher Education. 13-14 Feb 2015. For the IQAC coordinators from affiliated colleges of Goa University. Co-funded by NAAC.
- Dr. M.P. Tapaswi, OSD, IQAC makes several presentations on quality enhancement in HEIs at different Orientation Programmes, Refresher courses organized by HRDC, Goa University (since 2015-16)
- Dr. M.P. Tapaswi, OSD, IQAC made presentation to the Ph.D. students of Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science & Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore on "Scholarly communication" 18-20 Feb 2016
- Dr. M.P. Tapaswi, OSD presented a paper on "Assessing Quality in Higher Education Institutions in India: An Alternate View" at the Conference on Benchmarking Procedures and Practices for Quality Enhancement in Higher Education at Christ University, Bengaluru during 22-24 November 2016
- Informal interaction with various college IQAC Directors and participation in their IQAC Conduct a training workshop for college administrators on implementation of CAS guidelines (Director, IQAC was a member of the Academic Council. This provided a forum for discussing various CAS related issues in colleges)
- Gleanings from IQAC exercise
- Mukhopadhyay, P.; Sudarsan, P.K.; Tapaswi, M.P. Optimal Ph D student-teacher ratio for Indian research universities: a production function approach. Current Science. 118(1); 2020; 24-25. http://irgu.unigoa.ac.in/drs/handle/unigoa/5942
- Mukhopadhyay, P.; Tapaswi, M.P.; Sudarsan, P.K. Does autonomy of colleges make a difference to academic outcomes? Current Science. 115(5); 2018; 817-818. http://irgu.unigoa.ac.in/drs/handle/unigoa/5401
- Mukhopadhyay, P.; Tapaswi, M.P.; Sudarsan, P.K. Key queries. The Telegraph. 17 Apr 2018. https://www.telegraphindia.com/opinion/key-queries/cid/1464970
- Mukhopadhyay, P.; Tapaswi, M.P.; Sudarsan, P.K.; Sudarsan, K. Assessing quality in higher education institutions in India: An alternate framework. Current Science. 114(6); 2018; 1167-1173. http://irgu.unigoa.ac.in/drs/handle/unigoa/5159
- Mukhopadhyay, P.; Tapaswi, M.P.; Sudarsan, P.K. The 'search' for eminence. The Telegraph. 5 Dec 2017. https://www.telegraphindia.com/opinion/the-search-for-eminence/cid/1456060
- Mukhopadhyay, P. Why India's University ranking system is flawed. Hindustan Times, 4 Jul 2017. https://www.hindustantimes.com/opinion/why-govt-s-university-ranking-system-needs-urgent-review/story-7o60o5uoIKPugG83t9D2yJ.html
- Tapaswi, M.P. उच्चशिक्षणाचा खेळखंडोबा. [Mess in Higher Education: Critique on the UGC Journals List]. Loksatta Daily (Express Group). In Marathi. 15 June 2017. https://www.loksatta.com/vishesh-news/university-grants-commission-marathi-articles-marathi-language-indian-philosophy-1492992/
- Mukhopadhyay, P.; Tapaswi, M.P.; Sudarsan, P.K. Government’s Ranking Framework for Higher Education Is Biased Towards Larger Institutions. The Wire. 25 May 2017. https://thewire.in/139651/nirf-framework-biased-favour-large-heis/
Activity Reports
Poster Design and Elocution Competition on the occasion of National Voters Day (20 Jan 2025)
Workshop on 'Effective Social Media Coverage and Usage' (13 Dec 2024)
One-day workshop on NIRF Rankings 2025: Data Assimilation, Analysis, and Submission (29 Nov 2024)
Workshop on 'Outcome-Based Education and its implementation (5-6 Nov 2024)
Orientation on preparation of AQAR for Academic Year 2023-24 (1 Oct 2024)
Workshop on 'Employee’s Role in Higher Education Institutions' (26 Sep 2024)
Lecture on 'Open Access' by Prof. S. Arunachalam (2 Feb 2024)
Orientation workshop on "Dissertation Reporting: Do’s and Don’ts" (14 Dec 2023)
Special Enrollment Drive for Voter's Registration (7 Dec 2023)
Workshop on Data Collection and SSR Preparation for NAAC Assessment - Best Practices (11 Oct 2023)
Training to newly recruited Non-Teaching Employees of Goa University (18 Jul 2023)
Plantation Drive & Talk on Biodiversity of university campus on occasion of World Environmnet (5 Jun 2023)
Workshop for the Faculty themed as 'NAAC Report of 4th Cycle and New NAAC Guidelines' (11 Mar 2023)
International Workshop on Methodologies in 'International Relations' Pedagogy and 'Peer Reviewed' Publishing (3 Mar 2023)
A lecture on 'Will AI Tools Make a Paradigm Shift in Scientific Publishing?' by Prof. Prashant V. Kamat, University of Notre Dame, USA (20 Feb 2023) YouTube link: https://youtu.be/vj1fWoEGYxs
Talk on 'Observable Universe & Potential for Space Tourism' at Shri Hanuman Vidyalay, Valpoi, Sattari, Goa (27 Dec 2022)
Workshop on Outcome-based education: Assignment & attainment of Course and Programme Outcomes (7 & 18 Nov and 14 Dec 2022)
Training to Non-Teaching Employees (3 Nov 2022)
Workshop on Journal Selection 2 (1 Oct 2022)
Workshop on Journal Selection (24 Sep 2022)
One-Day Workshop on 'Writing Manuscripts and Publishing Quality Research Journals' (27 Aug 2022)
Career Counselling for the XIth & XIIth standard students (17 Jun 2022)
Chronicling Climate webinar (25 Feb 2022)
IPR webinar (7 Jan 2021)