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School of Physical and Applied Sciences

Erstwhile Departments of (i) Electronics, (ii) Mathematics, and (iii) Physics


The School of Physical and Applied Sciences is a result of the amalgamation of three correlated departments which belonged to the erstwhile Faculty of Natural Sciences. Individually, the departments have a long and glorious past. Department of Physics (established in 1963 as a part of Centre for Postgraduate Instruction and Research (CPIR) of University of Mumbai) and Department of Mathematics (established in 1965 as a part of CPIR of University of Mumbai) are two of the oldest departments that served the local students by providing them quality higher education in two of the oldest fundamental sciences for more than four decades. Department of Electronics, on the other hand, was established in 2010, centred around the M.Sc. Electronics programme started by the Physics department in 1992.
The three departments have come together to multiply their strengths and chart out new interdisciplinary programmes of teaching and research. The first two of such programmes are M.Sc. in Biophysics and M.Sc. in Computational Physics. These new programmes will add to the existing M.Sc. Physics, now rebranded as M.Sc. in Solid State Physics, M. Sc. Mathematics and M.Sc. Electronics.
The focus of this School is to develop strong teaching and research programmes in Physical and Applied Sciences. The departments which formed this School had identified thrust areas which continue, but the amalgamation will lead to the emergence of new areas bordering the cutting edge areas of research.
All the three departments that formed this School were well funded. Department of Science and Technology, Government of India under its Fund for Infrastructure in Science and Technology (FIST) programme as well as by the University Grants Commission under its Special Assistance Programme (SAP) provided research funding to the Department of Physics. Department of Mathematics also received funding under the DST-FIST programme while the Department of Electronics was identified by UGC to initiate Innovative program in Embedded Technologies. Additionally, individual research projects funded by the DST-SERB, CSIR, UGC, DoE, ICAR, DST, MeitY, ICMR, etc. have led to the development of research facilities in the School.
The School also offers UGC approved certificate and diploma programmes in Fundamental of computers & networking and Advanced instruments, gadgets & appliances, to provide skill-based education under National Skill Qualifications Framework (NSQF). These programmes will be extended to advanced diploma and B. Voc. degree programme in near future. The aim is to enable a person to acquire desired competency levels via multiple pathways, within vocational education and vocational training, transit to the job market and, at a reasonable time, return for acquiring additional skills to upgrade their competencies.
The success of the School is a result of the foundations of a vibrant academic culture and significant contributions of several of our distinguished colleagues including D.B. Wagh, A. Wagh, A.K. Heblekar, C. Mande, S.G. Deo, R.B. Prabhu, Y.S. Prahalad, A.B. Bhattacharya, P.R. Sarode, J.A.E. Desa, R.B. Tangsali, Y.S. Valaulikar, G M. Naik, Uma Subramanian, M.T. Nair, S. Pandit, G.R. Bhat, A. Banerjee, M. Ganesh, A.J. Jayanthan, P.K. Choudhuri, R.K. Kamat, R. Panda and A. Mohapatra.

Thrust areas:

Analysis, Lie Algebra and Discrete Mathematics

Embedded System and Biomedical Instrumentation

Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science


Computational Physics

Academic programmes leading to a Degree / Diploma / Certificate :

Programme Programme Director Intake
M.Sc. ElectronicsTime Table | Syllabus | Syllabus 2022-23 Narayan T. Vetrekar19
M.Sc. MathematicsTime Table | Syllabus | Syllabus 2022-23 Mailattu Kunhanandan38
M.Sc. PhysicsTime Table | Syllabus | Syllabus 2022-23 Venkatesha R. Hathwar50
Ph.D. Electronics--
Ph.D. Mathematics--
Ph.D. Physics--
B. Voc.Time Table | Syllabus 2022-23 Marlon Darius Sequeira15


Name Designation Areas of Interest
Bhargav K. AlavaniAssistant ProfessorCondensed Matter Physics, Computational Physics
Delissa de AtaideAssistant Professor (Contract)Image Processing, Biomedical Instrumentation, Communication Engineering
Elaine T. DiasAssistant ProfessorExperimental Condensed Matter Physics
Brandon FernandesAssistant ProfessorLie Algebra, Linear Algebra
Rajendra S. GadProfessorMultivariate Signals &Systems and Computer Networks
Jaya GaitondeAssistant Professor (Contract)Opto-Electronics and High-Speed Optical Devices and Systems
Aniketh A. GaonkarAssistant ProfessorBiometrics, Image Processing, Machine Learning, Robotics
Pallavi Pandhari GaudeAssistant ProfessorTheoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Sandeep Babu GawaliAssistant ProfessorOptical communication, Data communication
Mridini GawasAssistant ProfessorDifferential equations, Integral Equations, Linear Algebra, Partial differential equations
Venkatesha R. HathwarUGC - Assistant ProfessorX-ray Diffraction, Chemical Physics and Quantum Crystallography, Crystal Engineering, Structural Materials Science
RajeshKumar Shankar HyamUGC - Assistant ProfessorExperimental Condensed Matter Physics, Nanomaterials for Energy Applications, Superconducting Materials, Pulsed laser deposition of thin films
Mailattu KunhanandanAssistant ProfessorFunctional Analysis and Discrete Mathematics
Chitra MekothAssistant ProfessorFunctional Analysis, Regularization methods, Ill-posed problems
Pranav NaikAssistant ProfessorNanomaterial synthesis, Magnetism, Electrical properties, Radiation effect
Saloni NaikAssistant Professor (Contract)Deep Learning
Mudraj PagiAssistant ProfessorAlgebra, Number Theory
Bholanath PahariUGC - Assistant ProfessorExperimental Condensed Matter Physics, NMR Spectroscopy
Ramesh V. PaiSenior ProfessorTheoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Phase Transitions, Many-body Physics in Ultra-cold Atoms
Jivan S. ParabProfessorEmbedded System Instrumentation, DSP,RTOS, HDL, Fiber optic sensors
Jessica Fernandes e PereiraAssistant ProfessorGraph Theory, Topology, Linear Algebra,Differential Equations, Probability and Statistics, Optimization, Operations Research
Shreya Sanket PrabhudesaiAssistant Professor (Contract)Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0
Kaustubh R.S. PriolkarSenior ProfessorExperimental Condensed Matter Physics; Structure - Property Correlation in Functional Materials Using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (EXAFS and XANES)
Reshma Raut DessaiAssistant ProfessorNeutron Scattering, Porous media, Condensed matter Physics, Glass, Ceramic, Xray Astronomy
Marlon Darius SequeiraAssistant ProfessorEmbedded systems, signal processing, FPGA.
Cherukulappurath SudhirUGC - Assistant ProfessorNanophotonics, Plasmonics, Near-field optics, Super-resolution Microscopy
Narayan T. VetrekarAssistant ProfessorPattern Recognition, Biometrics, Multi-spectral Imaging, Machine Learning, Image Processing

Superannuated Faculty:

Name Designation Areas of Interest
A.J. JayanthanAssociate ProfessorTopology
Gourish M. NaikProfessor (HAG)Fiber Optics & Sensors, Opto-electronics, Biomedical Instrumentation
Uma SubramanianProfessorExperimental Solid State Physics
Manvendra TambaAssistant ProfessorLie Algebra, Number Theory
Yeshwant S. ValaulikarAssociate ProfessorOrdinary and Delay Differential Equations

Other Information:

  • Activity Report: Pre-Science Day celebration held at Shri Damodar Vidyalaya, Loliem, Canacona (22 Feb 2025)
  • Activity Report: Sky Gazing using Reflector Telescope and AI-powered Telescope (4 Feb 2025)
  • Activity Report: Hands-on workshop on computer networking (21 Jan 2025)
  • Activity Report: Winter School on Computational and Applied Mathematics (20-27 Nov 2024)
  • Activity Report: Workshop on Undergraduate Physics Syllabus as per NEP structure (9 Nov 2024)
  • Activity Report: Two-day Workshop on Raman Spectroscopy (26-27 Aug 2024)
  • Activity Report: Five Day Workshop titled "Hands-On Robotics Programming" (24-28 Jun 2024)
  • Activity Report: Second International Conference on Advances in Smart Sensors, Signal Processing and Communication Technology - ICASSCT-2024 (22–23 Mar 2024)
  • Activity Report: Pre Science day Celebration at Triump School, Pundalik Nagar, Porvorim, Goa (23 Feb 2024)
  • Activity Report: Sky Gazing at School of Physical and Applied Sciences, Goa University (16 Feb 2024)
  • Activity Report: Sky Gazing and talk on Observational Astronomy at Bamanbhat, Cujira, Santa Cruz, Goa (13 Feb 2024)
  • Activity Report: Student/faculty visit to BVoc programme by the Dept of Electronic Science, Progressive Education Society's Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous), Shivajinagar, Pune (8 Feb 2024)
  • Activity Report: 30-Hour Certification course on Computer Networking (1-2 and 5-7 Feb 2024)
  • Activity Report: Two Day Workshop on Differential Equations and Mathematical Modelling (13-14 Dec 2023)
  • Activity Report: Workshop on "Gravitational waves and Ligo India" (27 Nov-1 Dec 2023)
  • Activity Report: Workshop on AC and Refrigeration (6 Nov 2023)
  • Activity Report: Five Day Workshop on LaTeX Typesetting in Mathematics (23-28 Oct 2023)
  • Activity Report: Invited Lecture by Prof. S. Arumugam (12 Oct 2023)
  • Activity Report: Cleanliness Drive at Siridao-Goa (6 Oct 2023)
  • Activity Report: Field visit to Verna Industrial Estate: D-Link India Ltd., Elin Electronics Ltd., and Smartlink Holdings Ltd. (6 Oct 2023)
  • Activity Report: Deep Learning and Hardware Integration Using MATLAB (5 & 6 Oct2023)
  • Activity Report: Interaction with alumni placed at EME Automation, Kundaim, Goa (29 Sep 2023)
  • Activity Report: Industrial visit to EME Automation, Kundaim, Goa (29 Sep 2023)
  • Activity Report: Fundamental Glossary of Mathematics (ENGLISH-HINDI-KONKANI) (22-26 Aug 2023)
  • Activity Report: "Meri Maati Mera Desh" Campaign organised by Electronics Discipline (11 Aug 2023)
  • Activity Report: Extension Activity by SPAS, Mathematics discipline (24 Jul 2023 & 02 Aug 2023)
  • Activity Report: Mathematical Methods & Structural Analysis (17-21 Jul 2023)
  • Activity Report: Mathmeasure 2023 (17 Apr 2023)
  • Activity Report: स्वच्छता अभियान -Cleanliness Drive' (13 Apr 2023)
  • Activity Report: रक्तदान - A Blood Donation Camp organised by Electronics Discipline in association with SES-REC, UBA (5 Apr 2023)
  • Activity Report: Open day in commemoration of National Science Day (28 Feb 2023)
  • Activity Report: International Conference on Advanced Materials: Properties and Applications (20 -24 Feb 2023)
  • Activity Report: Vidnyan Dhara’ lecture (16 Feb 2023)
  • Activity Report: Advanced Astrosat Data Analysis Workshop (9-15 Jan 2023)
  • Activity Report: Talk on 'Observable Universe & Potential for Space Tourism' at Shri Hanuman Vidyalay, Valpoi, Sattari, Goa (27 Dec 2022)
  • Activity Report: Prof. D.B. Wagh Endowment Lecture and One Day Mathematics Symposium (28 Nov 2022)
  • Activity Report: National Conference on Electronic Structure - NCES-2022 (14-16 Nov 2022)
  • Activity Report: Contribution of Tribal Heroes in Freedom Struggle (30 Sep 2022)
  • Activity Report: Seminar on International Year of Glass: Recent Trends in Glass Research (24 Sep 2022)
  • Activity Report: Talk on Career Opportunities in the Semiconductor Industry (22 Aug 2022)
  • Activity Report: Talk on Overview of the Advances in Robotics (5 Aug 2022)
  • Activity Report: Talk on Life Cycle Of Chip Design (19 Apr 2022)