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Department of Chemistry

Head of the Department

V.S. Nadkarni
Senior Professor of Organic Chemistry

Year of Establishment : 1965 (CPIR)

Office Phone : +91-8669609183

Email : [email protected]


The Department of Chemistry is one of the oldest departments and was established in 1965 as a post graduate center of Bombay University. In 1985, the Department of Chemistry became an integral part of the then newly established Goa University. The Department moved to its present location (Faculty block E) in 2013, with modern infrastructure, conducive for quality education and research in Chemistry. 

Thrust areas:


Research work encompasses various domains of chemical research, with emphasis on synthesis, characterization of organic as well as inorganic materials, study of their properties and applications. Departmental research has been recognized by award of projects to individual faculty members and also sanction of grants by UGC and DST for programs like UGC-SAP & DST-FIST.

Academic programmes leading to a Degree / Diploma / Certificate :

Programme Programme Director Intake
Ph.D. Chemistry--

Other Information:

The Department offers post graduate studies and research in Organic, Inorganic, Physical, and Analytical Chemistry with emphasis on synthesis of natural products, development of reagents for organic synthesis, synthesis of metal oxides, metal sulfides, mixed metal oxides and sulfides and their studies as superconductors, spectroscopic and structural characterization of extended network systems, synthesis of coordination complexes as models for biological systems, development of catalysts / electro-catalysts and their evaluation.
Chemistry Department Faculty & Alumini Association (CDFAA)