Chemistry Department Faculty & Alumni Association (CDFAA) with its headquarters at Dept. of Chemistry, Goa University, Goa was started by Chemistry Department Council of Goa University in the month of February 2006. The association is registered under the Societies Registration Act of Govt. of Goa since 2010 and also has its PAN. The accounts are audited every year.
- To promote, advance and popularise the cause of chemical science in general and chemistry in particular by adopting/spreading innovative teaching methods, competitive curriculum development/examination/evaluation methods and productive research methodologies
- To promote the welfare of its members and to secure for them reasonable conditions of work and to safeguard their professional interest
- To enhance their academic/professional/intellectual skills/efficiency and to foster the spirit of dedication to service and mankind
- To create and train the required manpower in Chemical Sciences/Chemistry by organising/conducting a variety of training programmes/symposiums/seminars/workshops/winter school/summer school etc. of appropriate duration
- To help to secure/identify appropriate placement / professional avenues and ascertain professional growth of the alumni members
- To render all possible assistance to Goa University in general and the Chemistry Department in particular to realise their broad objectives of achieving excellence in chemical education and research
- To provide financial assistance to meritorious students from economically backward families in pursuing their goal of higher education
- To provide all possible help and support to tide-over any unforeseen emergency situation
- To coordinate the activities of the Association with other Associations / NGO / Statutory Organisations / National Research Institutions / Government establishments etc. having similar objectives
- To promote co-operation and interpersonal relations among the chemical community for the realisation of the objectives of the Association
Office bearers
Prof. Sunder N. Dhuri, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, School of Chemical Sciences, Goa University
Dr. Teotone Vaz
Dr. Vinod Mandrekar, Asst. Professor of Organic Chemistry, School of Chemical Sciences, Goa University
Joint Secretary
Dr. Prajyoti Gauns Dessai
Prof. Vidhyadatta M.S. Verenkar, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, School of Chemical Sciences, Goa University
- Dr. Amit Vernekar
- Dr. Salman Khan
- Dr. Mayuri Naik
- Dr. Sandesh Bugde, Asst. Professor in Inorganic Chemistry, School of Chemical Sciences, Goa University
- Prof. Vidhyadatta M.S. Verenkar, Dean, School of Chemical Sciences (Ex-Officio), Goa University
- Organization of seminars in association with the Dept. of Chemistry, Goa University
- Annual one day intercollegiate T.Y.B.Sc. symposium for chemistry students on the theme 'Facinating world of chemical sciences' where students from all science colleges from Goa take part and compete in oral and poster competitions
- Get-together cum home-coming of students, teachers and non-teaching staff of 25 years old M.Sc. Chemistry batch: 26 January of every year
- Philanthropy
- Needy meritorious student fellowship (NMSF): A financial support per month to the meritorious students from economically backward families for pursuing their goal of higher education (PG) in chemistry at Goa University
- Monthly fellowship to the needy and meritorious students doing research for their doctoral programme (Ph.D.) at the Department
- Financial support to the students to complete the programme whose earning member in the family has deceased
- Payment of tuition and examination fees/hostel fees to very poor students
- Donation of chemistry books to the library of Higher Secondary Schools from remote area
- Maintain a close group on FaceBook that is open to all members who can exchange ideas, receive notifications of forthcoming programmes, meet friends, etc.
Fund raising
The Association is thankful to the donors
M/s Syngenta India Ltd., M/s Deccan Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., M/s Marpol Industries and M/s Syngenta Biosciences Pvt. Ltd.,
and many individual past and present teachers as well as past and present students for their generous support.