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Eligibility Certificate

Sanket Gaude
Sanket Gaude
Asst. Registrar

Helpline Number: +91-8669609066


The official title of this certificate is “Provisional Statement of Eligibility”

A student from another University or Board of Secondary or Intermediate Education or any statutory Examining Body seeking admission to this University is required to apply to the Registrar for a statement of eligibility. The Provisional Statement of Eligibility is issued for the purpose of seeking admission to this University in a particular year will not be valid for following/ subsequent years.

The Provisional Statement of Eligibility does not assure a seat. It only declares the applicant eligible for admission to the course of study in this University. Therefore, without a definite offer of admission and assurance of all other facilities like hostel accommodation, etc., an individual especially from foreign country if landed in India, may run in financial and other losses.

Admission to the University Departments and/or affiliated Colleges of this University are made by the Heads of respective Departments and/or the concerned Principals of the affiliated Colleges. The University does not undertake to arrange admissions or accept any responsibility for admission either to a University Department or an affiliated College.

Student seeking admission to this University has to approach the Principal of the College where he desires to join in the matter of his admission and for other relevant information relating to tuitions fees, hostel accommodation, courses of study etc.

A Provisional Statement of Eligibility will be issued at the student’s own risk if the student is found to be eligible for admission, with a condition that the necessary certificates in original along with photocopies of each those for confirmation of eligibility are submitted within a period of ninety days in which he/she is provisionally admitted to the Registrar's office through the Head/Principal of the affiliated institution/ college where the admission is sought.


The eligibility of the students from foreign countries for the admission to this University is decided on the merits and qualifications of an individual seeking admission. Passing Certificates, transcripts of records and a copy of the syllabus containing the details of the courses studied at the examination passed by the applicant and duly countersigned by High Commissioner of India in the country of origin or the authorised officer and the standard of passing laid down at the examination should be forwarded to this office well in advance.

In case the certificates or transcripts are in a language, other than English, an English translation of the same duly certified by a competent authority should be attached. The University does not have any bursaries or scholarships which can be offered to foreign students.


  • Candidates who wish to apply for the Provisional Statement of Eligibility are required to apply online by paying the prescribed fees.
  • Candidates have to register for applying for the Provisional Statement of Eligibility. On registration they will be provided with login ID and password for submitting their application online.
  • Candidates are required to upload the Marksheets, NEET/JEE/NATA wherever applicable.
  • Candidates can apply for a maximum of three Programmes on payment of the prescribed fee.
  • Candidates may apply for additional Programmes on payment of the prescribed fee [for up to three Programmes].
  • Once approved by the University, candidates shall be able to download the Provisional Statement of Eligibility Certificate for submission to the competent authority.

    Applicants from Indian Rupees
    Indian students migrating from other University/ Board 695.00
    NRI and ICCR sponsored students [for up to three Programmes] 695.00
    Foreign students [Provisional Statement of Eligibility] 4190.00
    Foreign students [One-time Admission Fee] 41685.00


  • Candidates shall be required to make payment of the prescribed application fees Online through Credit Card or Debit Card or NET Banking of any Bank. Please note that there shall be an additional processing charge for online payments as follows:
    • Credit Card: 1.00% of the application fees plus the service tax as applicable.
    • Debit Card: 0.75% plus taxes for application fee upto Rs. 2000.
    • NET Banking: Rs. 10.00 per transaction.
  • Fees once paid will not be refunded (full or partial) under any circumstances.
  • Candidates who have been issued the “Provisional Statement of Eligibility Certificate may apply for additional Programmes with the same login credentials by paying the requisite fees.
  • In case of any queries, please send in your queries to [email protected] or call the Academic Colleges Section on the following contact numbers: 8669609019 and 8669609066 (from Monday to Friday, between 10.00 AM to 5.30 PM)

UGC-Public Notice on Equivalency of Degrees