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General Instructions

Admissions to affiliated colleges

Students desiring to apply for the programmes at the affiliated colleges are suggested to contact respective colleges for understanding the process of admission.

Admissions to Post-Graduate programmes

Students seeking admission to the Post-Graduate programmes at the University are advised to visit Announcements/Notices webpage as well as current University Prospectus especially the information under headings:

  • Important dates at a glance
  • Eligibility criteria for admission to post graduate programmes
  • Number of seats available in each subject and reservations
  • Reservation under various categories
  • Minimum number of students for post graduate classes
  • Change of faculty / subject
  • Credit-based masters degree programmes

Online application forms open as the admission process begins (usually in May/June of the year). Specific instructions to apply online are to be read carefully before filling-in the form.

Helpline Number: +91-8669609058